Tag: consciousness

Racing To The Moon

We are all one. There is no God. On and on go the ways and means of those who wish to impart their version of wisdom upon our souls. In following, we can escape. It's all lunacy of course but there is nothing like a good story which captivates... 22 Mar 2024

Stopping In Time, Standing One's Ground

Time has a way of encapsulating us in it's tentacles of favor. As we peer beyond the horizon what there is to see has already been seen so we pretend that ignorance is a noble endeavor. Sightless, we peer into the 'darkness' unafraid of what may... 21 Oct 2023

Walking In The Shadows

It's true, I do keep a low profile. It's not about relegating an ego to the waste bin nor is it about standing firm against the tides of good and evil. All things in this universe ebb and flow as nature intends. There isn't anything we can... 03 Jan 2022

Where's Waldo?

To live in interesting times makes and creates some very good tales to tell around the campfire. It seems we are in the time of revealing. What one thought of as being 'real' has the king's bare nakedness in full revelation. We see not what we... 06 Jul 2020

The God of Commerce

There are many different types of systems that can be used as a basis for common understanding. A community of people typically requires a basis from which to conduct themselves so that balance can be achieved within the set of conditions... 07 Apr 2016

Oddz, Ends and Nothing At All

Can you see your own consciousness? That makes me laugh every time!... 01 Apr 2016

Giving One's Birth-Right Away

The Creator is that which created man-kind. In It's infinite capacity of Creation man-kind is but one page out of an encyclopedic volume which knows no bounds, at least from man's perspective - and this is the perspective from which we... 12 Apr 2012

Tracking The Scent Of Man

Efforting in fear requires some small sense of egocentric ideological thinking in that we are what we must be and therefore should accept such. Engaging in dialogue, the tendency is to master the route to conviction through self deception and... 12 Feb 2010

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