Tag: clearing

The Spiritual Dark Ages Of Man

Religion perpetually seeks to rid mankind of it's physical form and restore the sense of spirituality within us. Progress in this can be gauged in centuries for the nature of man is one of mindfulness. This mindfulness was further defined and... 19 Jul 2011

The Fallacy Of Chaining Technology

Following chains of related targeted items in order to release the top level symptoms of disagreement is not always in the best interest of the process itself. The purpose and plan of being the bloodhound as one follows the scent is a bit rigid... 01 Nov 2006

Life, Before And After

I haven't visited the wacky newsgroup alt.clearing.technology in a long, long time. I wouldn't recommend the newsgroup _to anybody, but I was interested in reading the posts, if any, made by the few people that I know to be actual Scientologists. 15 Apr 2005

Scaring The Clearing Right Out Of You

One of the ways of getting the unwary to part with their currency is to scare 'em to death. "You will never be free unless you get auditing. We can help you."... 11 Apr 2005

Auditing In The 'FreeZone'

Auditing in the 'FreeZone' as defined by Ralph Hilton, Tommy Thompson and several others, is a hit and miss affair. Would you trust your spiritual beingness to those who use false images and appearances in order to 'sell' you Scientology?... 30 Jun 2004

The Goal Is Not The Method

Visualizations assist us in the effort of reversing the Master-Slave relationship we seem to find ourselves suddenly within. It is almost as if we wake up one day and discover that the thoughts which emanate from our mind rule us and determine... 30 Jun 2004

But It's Just A *Little* Lie...

Falsehoods, once introduced, have a way of becoming self-generating and self-perpetuating. As a matter of fact, it's a requirement for the job of altering isness. The 'FreeZone' does this quite a bit by encouraging anonymity as well as... 14 Apr 2004

Freedom From Being 'Cleared'

The 'FreeZone', like many individuals who have 'freedom' on this planet, survive and gather their so-called strength from controversy. Without it, they are doomed to die a quick death. Without something to keep their attention and emotions on,... 14 Apr 2004

Loving The World

The race is on to become free from the clutches of humanity with the ultimate prize going to those who are able to duplicate the efforts of those who have gone before. This ultimate prize of being one with the Self is nebulous and contradictory,... 14 Apr 2004

A "Scientologist's" Dream

There are many who have processed themselves through the Church of Scientology as well as the so-called 'FreeZone' and come out labeling themselves as "Scientologists". According to popular 'think', a Scientologist is one who betters themselves... 18 Nov 2003

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