The Trouble With Trouble

It tends to follow us wherever and whenever we go. As we carry our baggage from here and there and back we always pick up where we have left off. Nothing goes to waste.

As we flirt with disaster the excitement overtakes us and the emotional content carries us away with glee. Painful as it is, joy in any form is welcomed. With open arms our effect is embraced and welcomed home. As the circuit completes it's cycle we start anew with full knowledge. All pales in comparison to our awesomeness.

In our expectation we embrace the reflection.

Welcome home.

Embracing The Options

There is a way 'out' of course. The trap is never set in our captivity. As we move upon the sands of time the effervescence of our being comes to the fore driving us forward to a seemingly unknown future. No expectations, no rewards.

In the demonstration of expression we are but cheerleaders on the sidelines encouraging the play upon the field. Rook takes Queen and in the movement ripples upon the waters of Life and Living evince a reply. The compulsion is so great that few remain steadfast. As buzzards circle above the carcass life continues seemingly oblivious.

It is not so.

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