Tag: forum

A Word On Spoilage

The 'freezone', as most by now know, is but a gang of roving nomads looking for a home. What they do to themselves has no interest here at FZA, but sometimes the repercussions do need to be pointed out. When one looks for like-mindedness it is... 11 Apr 2005

Deception And Control (New Forum)

There is a new forum titled "Deception And Control" and it has a specific agenda. This is not to say that, along with everything else on this web site, it will not change over time - it will. The idea of being in session while using the forums... 08 Apr 2005

Who's In Charge Of This Planet?

Is there a 'someone' in charge? An elitist group perhaps? How about an alien agenda? Maybe no one is in charge, just our own narcissistic urges. There is a TON of information available that points in all directions, including in and upon itself.... 08 Apr 2005

Forum: Deception And Control

It's been made clear that this site deals in directness. This also means that endless reasons, explanations, justifications and "why's" mean diddly-squat. If one cannot or will not use one's ability to peek behind the veil then of course,... 08 Apr 2005

Purpose And Conduct

The "Forum" section is an area where visitors and members may post messages, replies and comments subject to the Acceptable Use(acceptable-use) policy of Free Zone America. The emphasis here is not on how much one can say but on how direct... 01 Mar 2005

Re: Track Recall And "Recent Discoveries"

Nice choice for a new topic. :smile: Consider this: If the historical past stretches out to the horizon, what could possibly have taken place during that lengthy 'time period'? Auditing uncovers considerations like crazy and perception... 13 Apr 2004

Members: RedFred

Members: RedFred has registered an account here on FZA.ORG and I have marked it as 'inactive'. I find it a bit strange that RedFred, after disparaging Free Zone America, wants to become accepted as a member after making it known that he is quite... 20 Jan 2004

Show And Tell

For those that need Rules of the Road, here is a sample of the type of communication that is welcomed on the Forum and in commentaries. Clearly distinguished is the lack of opinionated thoughts, ideas and concepts. Clearly delineated is... 28 Aug 2003

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