Tag: universe

Tall Tales By The Fireside

Let's face it, we all tell our tales and as we sit by the fireside all comfy and secure, all sorts of dangerous liaisons prop up. Igniting fires of interest we throw buckets of gasoline in order to perpetuate our existence living out our hopes... 19 Sep 2019

Diaretical Diatribe

Diaretical: as in diary. These days my postings have been run right along these barriers. But don't take my word for it, I'm just a delivery man. If trees could talk what would you have them say? "Kill the hue-mans."?... 19 Apr 2018

Mobile Me

I'm on the move. House, gone. Kids, out the door. Job, long, long gone. Wife, well... sometimes people put up with me and some... don't. What the hell are you doing here anyway? Don't ask me 'cuz I just live here.... 12 Apr 2018

In The Hills, At Night

Walking on tethered feet tip-toeing through the tulips we look left and right for any worm sign. And even when there is some to be had, there are none. Life is strange that way where all is provided for and yet... and yet we beckon to scarcity... 30 Aug 2017

Breaking The Vow of Silence II

Silence, in a word, is not saying diddly-squat. I've kept to that vow not because of promises made nor of consideration or contemplation but of respect. I do the bow routine quite regularly and it's something that is a part of me. Just because... 16 Feb 2017

Tip of the Spear

Despite viable direction being undertaken, war is coming. ... 13 Feb 2017

Catch The Wave... Again

Did you notice? Last weekend there were some big rumblings in the universe and even though it sometimes seems only those who are intuitive enough to notice are aware of such things well... it usually is true. The thing about reality is that when... 11 Nov 2016

Indelibly Linked

Well, here it is... In motion I find the being which is, of course, merely the writing upon the wall of what already is.... 29 Sep 2013

Here Fishy, Fishy

Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 21 Nov 2012

Spiritual Embolism

Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 17 Oct 2012

Project Looking Glass : The Merging of The Timeline

Cubes of color reveal all sorts of golden information but of course if one is not quite attuned in the proper direction well then all sorts of grey area matter become standard fare. Checking the Book of Life it becomes plain to see that was... 16 Feb 2012

A Sight For Sore Eyes

In changing we promote decay as the old must pass the test of time to never return... or does it? Events seemingly beyond our control force us to follow the spiral to it's bitter end. Down, down into the depths of our own torment do we plough... 16 Dec 2011

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