Tag: 2005

Planetary Evolution

Planets do evolve over time. As the inhabitants slowly progress over time there typically comes a point where might comes up against right. Also in typical fashion, this internal conflagration sets the stage for the planet's future. If might... 10 Aug 2005

The State Of Clear

The state of Clear is such an interesting phenomenon when viewed from the point of view of every-day man. To the blind who walk the Earth, this state appears desirable only in relation to their every-day existence, of how it can be improved.... 10 Aug 2005

The Fear Factor

When members leave the 'official' organization one of the consequences of doing so is the instillment of fear. There is a palpable sense of fear which envelops the person and this makes itself known as, among other things, not wanting to be... 08 Aug 2005

The Definition Of 'Truth'

Truth has come to be defined in so many ways, sometimes conveniently so. Unless one has an understanding of what it is then it would become impossible for one to live in integrity, or lead an honest and just life which, of course, would result... 08 Aug 2005

Spiritual Usury

Most of the world's religions are engrossed in monetary rewards the form of which matter not whether of tangible goods or instruments of debt. Selling religion is quite a prosperous undertaking and many relish it with glee. Everything comes to... 08 Aug 2005

Born Into Confusion

Waking up we many times find ourselves in a strange and unusual world where we are well outside of it's push and pull and thereby completely free of it's effects. As we gaze upon the lands of our birth our attention wanders and as it wanders we... 08 Aug 2005

Digging Down Deep

Are we as shallow as we are led to believe? Through all the corporate shenanigans, through all the whispered gossip and behind the back tales, are we really so gullible as to follow each and every ideological mental construct that comes our way?... 25 Jul 2005

Falling Into Agreement

How easy it is to claim an understanding of the philosophies of Scientology and yet be completely ignorant of them at the same time. Talk about a dichotomy! These days it becomes so easy to idealize just about everything and then when it comes... 25 Jul 2005

Country, What Country?

Forum: Deception & Control Let me get this straight:... 20 Jul 2005

Engaging In Self Sacrifice

Sacrifice is the giving up of something to that which is far greater than our selves. When we sacrifice our selves we are, in effect, giving the entirety of our egotistical existence up to that which has a consciousness/awareness far above our... 19 Jul 2005

Putting The Pieces Together

There always seem to be a number of widely dispersed events occurring each and every day through out the world today. As we are indoctrinated to regurgitate what we are fed, these events come to be looked upon as something far out of our sphere... 15 Jul 2005

The Black Panther

Looking in the mirror we see ourselves and in that seeing we come to define ourselves as being. Unfortunately, when we try to fool ourselves by having a memory lapse that we are already being, we come to believe in all sorts of realities and as... 05 Jul 2005

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