Tag: dream

Scientology: The Rise And Fall

One fine day many, many years ago there began an internal dialogue rooted in wonderment as to what makes great men great. What is it that elevates mortal man into Stratospheric heights of thinking and being that defies ordinary concepts and... 05 Oct 2006

Coming Home

Awash on the shores of humanity, where is the escape so cleverly promised to one and all? Alone and lost, the tides seemingly ebb and flow of their own accord. United in defense of our imagination, we create the worlds in which we populate... 30 May 2002

Sooner Or Later

In the time between there lies a substance known as Eternity. It is here that Existence fulfills itself and weeps in the delight of estrangement. Alone at last, we remain peaceful and still. To know peace is to know otherwise. Belonging to no... 24 Sep 2001

Are You Having A Good Day?

"Who Am I?" Ask the question and determine the response received. If the echo comes as "Me" or "I", then the response mechanism being employed is none other than the imagination of the mind. Stillness of a response indicates something else. That... 12 Feb 2001

Dream Well

Immortality survives by it's very nature of existence. When words become concepts, glossed over by modern day journalistic pride, the concepts become once again words with the difference being that they are now hollow. Flows of thought rambling... 24 Aug 2000

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