The Wall of Fire

In one particular 'philosophy' there came to exist a thing called The Wall of Fire. This is not about that and never has been.

In this universe time and times come and go like the plagues that they are. (If one does indeed need such then of course a different light comes to be shone.) Along those lines of 'experience' comes a huge cast of characters as well as destinations galore. You see, the stage must become set before the unfolding drama reveals itself.

One instance of this drama is what can be called The Wall of Fire. Just because an experience 'happens' doesn't mean that at the end of one play all is forgot upon the next. Consider this a running Saturday morning cartoon show where the plot continues unabated. It's what every child comes to expect and eventually dreams of.

Anyway, the event happened as any other event would and in the coming forward in time the event's basis too comes forward from which one's future actions become rooted. Consider it but a rule of play even though playing requires that someone be on the losing side.

Lest there be a misinterpretation of it's importance, there is none but that which becomes assigned. All journey-goers love to bring back home pictures of their wonder-full time abroad.

There will not be a discussion, at this time, of the particulars of the event but there are a couple of things surrounding it that I would like to state here. The following comes from previously written works.

Again, please understand that this 'Wall of Fire' is not the concept brought forth by those who have had their own agendas up their sleeve. (See: The Xenu Cult)

Also note that even though the context is Loyal Officer other subject matter could just as well stand in it's stead.

The Codes of a Loyal Officer


By: CitizenCain
Tuesday, October 30, 2001 - 08:46 pm

Just thought that I'd finish this up.

The Codes of a Loyal Officer, and the organization itself, have a very long history. There have been many changes within the organization itself, but when it comes to the codes, there is an entirely separate history that exists. Changes to the overall code are NOT looked upon with favor but eventually, every once in a great while, an alteration to the code survives it's obligatory scrutiny. Not so with code number two.

Code number two, previously existed in it's own right for quite some time, but made history by being the only code to ever successfully make it's way to 'set in stone' status, essentially overnight.

What event could possible have motivated the Loyal Officers to take the unheard of step of making such a radical change to code number two so quickly?

The Wall of Fire.

As a result, code number two became of prime importance, only superseded by the first code. This is code number two:

  1. There shall be no interference in the ways of Man.

But there is more to this story. Becoming set in stone, this code ALSO was altered in a very specific way. One single solitary line was placed through the middle of the entire sentence. One single line. In other words, code number two was revoked.

It was revoked as a remembrance of those who performed their duty during the Wall of Fire and it was revoked to honor those fellow officers who fell victim to that event.

Certain codes have been eliminated from the Code of a Loyal Officer before, but never has one been crossed off, and set in stone as a reminder. Now, there is no code number two, but code number two has much to say.

Perhaps in the future, code number two will be restored to it's original place. Perhaps not. In either case the message of today is clear. Perhaps in the future it will become even more clear.

There will be no other codes forthcoming.



Out in the cosmos near a now decaying galaxy, there is a chunk of rock, a by-product of that galaxy's creation on which can be found a hand-written epitaph:


Within the universe there came to be, turmoil.
In His wisdom, God took of himself,
And brought forth 'the balancer'.
With destiny in it's heart,
And compassion in it's hand,
The Loyal Officer is ever faithful,
To his word and deed.


Slightly related: The Nobility of Being an Officer


The purpose of bringing this up again is to provide an opportunity for one to look at something. 'Space Opera' is fine and dandy but liquor is quicker (a tribute to nash).

There is an old adage which says that if something is true for you, then it is true.

Seeing is contrary to looking whose purpose contains conviction.

One cannot see past one's own conviction and so the use of looking becomes the invitation to seeing.

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