Tag: games

Galactic Patronization

Exploring the never ending worlds of conquest and dominion one will eventually rise above these 'local' problems and reach a state of expanded awareness. But what is this expanded awareness of and what does it entail? Man, being defined as... 04 Apr 2008

Waking Up In A Bed Of Roses

Looking and searching is part and parcel of living the life of hopes and dreams. Evermore on the quest of enlightenment we tend to seek out those of like mind. In this devious play of conquest, we can be assured that our victory will not elude... 13 Mar 2008

Where Have All The Players Gone?

Game-play is a wondrous analogy of occurrence and demarcation in a universe built for change. All change occurs because that is it's nature. Any idea that one may possess, perhaps even to fervently hold onto, will eventually morph into something... 03 Jan 2008

The Game Of Spiritual Freedom

There are all sorts of Games in this Universe to be played, or more correctly, available for playing. Thetans like a good Game, but that is only said by those who themselves, continue to play a Game or Games. Good company can be hard to find.... 31 Aug 2003

The Path Of Happiness

What better way to ensure survivability then to destroy? In destruction, we gain the sense of 'surviving' and in that surviving we constantly turn our thoughts to the next sacrifice. Someone must perish in order that we may live. There are... 30 Sep 2002

The Blade

Space, the Final Frontier. Whether going forward or backward, the edges of space will never be found. Creating our way, the darkness dispells to reveal the path to our goal. In other words, it's never 'here' but always 'there'. Space, and it's... 25 Sep 2002

The Killing of Koos

Koos Nolst Trenite is gone. I wonder why he was considered such a threat to those who wished to do him in? It's interesting how the turn of events reveal what is wished to remain hidden. Games are like that. With some 'players', the game... 22 Sep 2002

The Game Of Freedom

"There's a game called freedom," which is what you're playing right at this minute. "And Games contain trickery and misdirection to win" - your 180 degree vector of Have and Agree. Tape Set: Philadelphia Doctorate Course;Author: Hubbard,... 08 Jan 2002


Mind games require us to play by very defined rules. These rules engage and capture our interest and before you know it, the immersion is denied whole-heartedly. The difference in knowing you are playing versus the idea that you ARE playing are... 12 Jan 2001

Life Energy Games

Life Energy Games, if compared to The Pilot's compendium on thetan history, lies somewhere between the Jewel of Knowledge and the Reality Wars. During this time period, energy and it's possible uses was explored. Much can be done with energy, it... 01 Aug 2000

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