Tag: fate

Capitalistic Spiritualism AKA The Grind

Capitalism is alive and well, thanks for asking. It has survived many onslaughts of opposition where the givers battle the takers. In the balance there is no balance as right and wrong become enmeshed in ideology. Personally I dislike, to a... 04 Feb 2024

The Fear That Binds Us

As we create our universe we tend to envelop ourselves with ourselves and in so doing become what we see. As we are there is no separation. We are what we are and in expanding our scope all shines brightly before us. It's all an illusion of... 05 Oct 2022

When Worlds Collide

Coming into so-called 'birth' we arrive quite content in our own little corner of the universe. That which precedes us, since time immemorial, is our own perception of our 'exterior' environment. Filtering life we emerge ready for a full and... 01 May 2016

Bits And Pieces, Falling

All the little kings and queens are taking turns, dabbling in bravery here and there and yet the trepidation never leaves. Pondering the outcome behind closed doors there is still nothing to be said. I've got a suggestion: why not strike up the... 03 Feb 2016

Strange Fate

How does thought develop? How does life experience create a lasting impression whereby similarities and differences become recorded for all of posterity? To what use does one employ the various recordings of life and living? Are we so frightened... 16 Oct 2007

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