Tag: Mindless Wanderings

No Wonder We Are Blessed

I've lied. I've lied about the roots of my humanity thinking that out of the abyss of illusionary thoughts and idle dreams, a reality would be found where the gloating of my self esteem would reign supreme and defy and overcome any and all... 18 Sep 2001

You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

There in the distant past, a lie was born and was brought forth through time and space to plague the targets of today. Some things do not change while other things remain the same. Eternally grateful, existence carries us along the stream of... 18 Sep 2001

Thus Far

There is a point to the pointless, it is in the process of getting from 'here' to 'there' which counts, not the departure or arrival. The process is the journey and within that journey lies the answers that are so dear to the heart. Within the... 31 Aug 2001

See What Is Sought

A fleeting glimpse of some long forgotten poetic insight, trembling with delight, it opens and reveals itself from an altered state of reality in which we understand very little, if at all. Comprehension resolves slowly as the thoughts dwindle... 31 Aug 2001

The Lost Highwayman

The lost highwayman casts his shadow and upon his mind the wonders unfold, basking in their glory and misrepresentation. Where is the road ahead, beyond which the eyes do not see? Cast unto themselves, the beginnings of life reveal themselves... 30 Aug 2001

The Last Hope

There is the last hope, the first goodbye, the ever lasting remembrance of some long lost thought. Where did I put my hat? 27 Aug 2001

Can You Feel It?

In reality, there exits times and places in which we may demonstrate ourselves and come to know of the things which we yearn for. Emptiness cannot be denied and so the quest for fulfillment survives in all of it's glory, ever seeking and... 27 Aug 2001

The Survivalist

In order to survive, enemies are created, goals are enforced and the idea of 'others' do not exist. Survival requires one to play the game of life and to beat the odds. It creates societies where every individual is encouraged to 'climb their... 27 Aug 2001

Taking Root

A hope, a dream, a far away place, where are the souls in which the turning of life take refuge. From where does the communication so eagerly sought, find a new home in which to blossom and bear the fruit of understanding. Alone in the mist of... 26 Aug 2001

Take Cover

From understanding there is an arrival at a new found position; a point, a place, a slice of time. Encompassing the unholdable, the sun shines and the laughter of the gods appear and disappear as they float on wafts of hope and desire. Before... 26 Aug 2001

New Arrivals Are Always Welcome

The love, the life, the lean-to of regret, all rolled up in one giant confectionery delight. With the smacking of lips and the belch of satisfaction, arriving, there is found new delights, new wonders in which the candy man may embrace his skill... 26 Aug 2001

I Got Game

There is a 'clearing' game going on. It's purpose is to relieve and unburden the souls who inhabit this planet, to make them more able. It is a game that promises spiritual freedom and the opportunity to ensure your future. Your participation in... 26 Aug 2001

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