Tag: movement

In the Embrace of Man

The days of interlude have come and gone and in this termination we find that the undercurrent of withheld expression is coming to the fore with a force to be reckoned with. It is not a force of consequence nor regret but of a coming to terms... 06 Jan 2012

Peeky-Peeky, I See You

In the deafness of the hour what is it that shall remain? What is it that remains alone and aloof in the darkness called conscious awareness? To be aware is to be and in remaining so fixated upon the destiny we humbly call ourselves Movement... 06 Sep 2011

All That It Touches, It Moves Deeply

Beyond the furthest reaches of the bonds of our bounds, there lies the vast territory unexplored and unexplorable. Remaining as it ever has been, it continues to 'float' in time awaiting those who may fall out of the mist. Everlasting patience... 11 Apr 2005

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