Tag: intellect

I Rest In Your Arms

The Universe, through it's astounding embrace, provides. There is just no other way to put that. If all is then we are.... 09 Aug 2022

Cutting Room Floor

There have been a few notations that have been made along the way which for one reason or another never made it to Disney-land, so here I am going to throw them all into the pot, of whatever I have, and see what floats to the surface, if... 05 Jul 2013

Defining The Definition

Upon taking up the mantle of being with all of it's traits and characteristics the newborn breathes in the air of awareness and breathes out the darkness of ignorance. In so breaking free creation finds a home in which to take up residence. From... 12 Oct 2011

Pay The Piper

What does finding one's way have to do with living in the world of Man? Are we to keep ourselves busy in the time of need so that other, more important matters may be dispensed with and laid in the realm of 'lost and forgotten'? Attention is... 26 Sep 2008

Searching For El Dorado

"There's gold in them thar hills!" Searching for the lost city of gold keeps many a Man busy. The ultimate achievement, the par excellence is to be sniffed out and grasped with glee shown to the world for it to be what it is - perfection! In... 04 Sep 2008

Sand In My Eyes

Intellectual ramblings entertain and enthrall us with their experiential emotive content, but deliver little of substance or value. Value is surmised in regard to emotional content. The higher the content, the bigger the high. Intelligence taxes... 14 Apr 2004

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