Tag: choice

Walking Into The Winds of Change

Sometimes we struggle with one thing or another until we eventually realize that nothing is a struggle. It can be a far stretch of the imagination to see that but none-the-less it is real. There is no other moment than this very one... 12 Nov 2023

There Always Comes A Time

Upon the sands of time all comes to be revealed. Sooner or later all those nasty buggers hiding in the closet of our choice comes to be not only revealed, but with an audience gasping at the horror, suddenly and unexpectedly laid bare. Nakedness... 18 Jun 2022

When Worlds Collide

Coming into so-called 'birth' we arrive quite content in our own little corner of the universe. That which precedes us, since time immemorial, is our own perception of our 'exterior' environment. Filtering life we emerge ready for a full and... 30 Apr 2016

Old Time Pickle Barrel Game Show

Digging down to the truth of the matter sometimes leaves you with hitting the bottom of the barrel. I mean, there's just no where else to go because the bottom of the barrel is, well, the bottom. That's it. Going beyond that is like entering... 04 Apr 2016

Status Report : 31 May 2013

The choice of choosing the garden path or the warrior's creed is in high gear. The reverberations of that choice continue to ripple through at it's mid to end point. Facing the music, strings are pulled and the puppets dance. Scorched Earth is... 31 May 2013

The Thought-fullness of Thinking

This is being written in the format of a gentle introduction. "I think, therefore I am."... 02 May 2013

Perceptive Repose

I am going to try to make this as short and to the point as possible. Through the gentle breeze of unbounded awareness perception remains ever vigilant.... 14 Mar 2013

Why Live the Illusion When It Is Not Real

One of the things that I have mentioned quite a bit is that no one can be forced to do that which they are unwilling to do. There are those who make it their life's work to break a person so that they become willing. Breaking the... 13 Mar 2012

We Do Have A Choice

In this world of imploded imagery, ideas rule the roost. Thinking makes it so. Lost in a world of imaginings and desire the selfish leave no stone unturned in their quest of having it all. Endlessly searching, debating and opinionating, all... 26 May 2005

Pointing Fingers Tell Tales

THAT organization doesn't have the correct technology. THAT organization doesn't use standard scientology and is therefor a waste of time. THAT organization uses altered technology and produces an overt product. Pointing fingers tell tales and... 24 Aug 2001

What Are You Waiting For?

Once upon a time there lived a man with a vision. Visions are not restricted to psychics, lunatics and the Indian Nation. Visions are restricted to those who care, and this man, who enjoyed life because it consisted of Life, had visions of... 14 Jul 2001

Continuity of Choice

Mindless chatter, ever reverberating within the walls of our own choosing, incessantly calls for our attention. What if we were to let the moment pass? Would the echoes stir some long forgotten memory of what once was as a remembrance of some... 11 Jun 2001

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