Tag: report

MeZone Roundup

Let's see: The "FreeZone" is decommissioned and the Loyal Officer who went native is still on the loose in Ron's Org. Achtung!... 01 Dec 2003

Gathering Storm: Free Zone Update

"Oh the plans of Mice and Men..." Time is on our side. The funny thing about time is that it is on everyone's side, but since we don't play the waiting game, time is used to full benefit. Expanding or contracting time, our efforts somehow manage... 02 Apr 2003

FZA.ORG: The State of Case, A Personal Report

As a few of you have noticed, the main page at fza.org has taken on a "new" look. I hope that you have been enjoying this change and have taken a moment to reflect upon the current state of clearing in all of it's physical and/or "theta" facets.... 27 Apr 1999

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