Tag: listening

Lost In Listening

It's been said once or twice that things are just so for a reason, that things are made and unmade in the image of that which perpetuates the existence of our nature. In looking in the mirror, not of life and Living but of Eternity we... 27 Oct 2020

The Mystery of Man

I don't make myself known. Sure, I've got a website and post the ever-popular 'crazy' notions that things are not what they appear and perhaps even delve into far-out 'imaginings', but that doesn't change anything. I am under the radar... 27 Mar 2018

Breaking The Bonds Of Identification

Searching, we attach ourselves to the things we see, identifying ourselves to the objects that magically come before us in representation of the things we hold most dear. Dropping the logical sequence of events, we yearn for meaning only to be... 04 Apr 2001

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