Tag: hopes

Travelling Down the Road of Unrequited Love

It can seem lonely. It can seem that we are completely and utterly alone in our journey to god knows where. Why else do we relish the thought of a superiority that does not exist. In false pretense we become and in finding no way out we choose... 08 Sep 2022

Climbing The Stairs of Perpetuity

It's called the survival of the fittest and yet the fittest never 'survive'. What does that tell you. While the tide and tides come and go the ticking clock never lies. There is no way out in the same way that there is no way 'in'. Where ever... 30 Aug 2022

Eagles Fly

In times of old 'progressive' thinking became the basis of thinking and from that was born an era of mindless ecstasy rooted in self-serving venues where performances and performers endeavored to out-perform any and every thing on the face of... 27 Oct 2019

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