Into The Mind of Man

For me it is so interesting to watch people and their thought process. Watching the ebb and flow, mostly flow, of their thoughts and thinking. It's as if they are following a string of pearls, one leading to the next and to the next and on and it goes. The amazing part is that the being comes to be completely immersed with what is presented and becomes it. Suddenly there is no difference between what they are and what they have become.

I suppose that makes me a good listener even though that is a shallow description of what is really going on. In throwing up blinders to others Man itself becomes blind to it's own 'self'. It's pretty rare if not impossible these days for me to come across another who is stable1 and embraces the foundational aspect of what they really are. But that is my 'burden' to carry.

It's true, at times I do wish that there was enough silence in the world to enable it to bypass it's own convictions in order to embrace, as a whole, that which we are. It's also true that no matter what cloak Man has embraced, it remains as it is, unchanged and fully conscious of such. You can't get there unless you are already here.

So I watch the dance and wonder, why the excitement in dancing when anything can be had. And so it is.

Perhaps this is all because I find that Man's cloak scratches and is uncomfortable. Perhaps it is also because I do not enjoy playing the games of Man, which I do not. But it is not my call and so I must live with my own cloak of being23.

  1. 'Stable' as in not following those lovely and endearing 'pearls'. Like a dog chasing it's tail, for ever more. 

  2. All this 'cloak' business is a poor analogy but for the moment, barely suitable. 

  3. Did you notice the we have come full circle? :-) 

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