Tag: 2013

Strange Land

Stranger In A Strange Land That is all well and good but the important point is what comes of it.... 28 Jun 2018

The Sly Game of the Thrill of the Chase

I chase no one. Just because I can be found where you are rushing to in a hurry doesn't mean that I am following you.... 18 Oct 2013

The Hunter’s Moon

It's already crazy out there. And it's not full until tomorrow, October 18th.... 17 Oct 2013


There is a movie of the same name as the title of this post and it certainly applies. You know the one, from 1995. I found this picture on The McCLaughry's Blog in an article discussing, among other things, psychotronics. Here, have a look:... 16 Oct 2013

Antartic Freeze

Freezer burn is just another way of saying that something has been left in purgatory for far, far too long. Some will just scrape off the cemented ice crystals and have a go while others will just chuck it all into the fires of hell. Well, not... 15 Oct 2013

A Kiddies Tale

Warning! This is a huge page load with tons of graphics. This is going to be a show and tell kind of post where the 'show' is somewhat cat based and the 'tell' is... well, I'm sure you'll be able to figger it out. Go slow so as to take it... 10 Oct 2013

Scared Stiff

It's true. I am scared right to the bone, through and through. I tremble at the drop of a hat and my knees can barely hold me up. I live on a knife edge ready to fall to my doom and gloom at a moment's notice. Living in a deep, dark closet gives... 09 Oct 2013

Hiding In Plain Site

Here is a note to say that sometimes I add entries, which are all filed by date, and very rarely remove entries from view. There is a time and a place for everything.... 04 Oct 2013

The Power of Staying Silent

It's true, I do remain as silent as a WWII sub running deep and quiet while nearby forces lay in wait as the bride to be. After taking a wife and fulfilling the role does it mean that I have joined the human race? Where silence can be golden... 03 Oct 2013

...And Your Little Dog Too

It appears that nothing else is going to be made available here so for now, all the action is taking place at my silly little 'blog'. Perhaps the last few articles posted were a transition to that - it sure seems so based purely on content. Lots... 02 Oct 2013

The Canned Laughter of Insanity

As one travels down the highways and byways there comes to be, at very particular places, the offer of scenic captivation and awe. The offer is a good one and many times those who appreciate the scope of this world give a 'whoa!' to the pony... 02 Oct 2013

Thar She Blows!

I like this picture and so.... here it is: ... 02 Oct 2013

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