Tag: wheel of life and living

Breaking The Glass, Escaping To Freedom

Limits to the imagination pop up seemingly every where we look. If in space no one can hear you scream then surely within the vastness of our own sense of self realized gains, the torment we lovingly create for our reflected nature must indeed... 01 Nov 2021

Are We There yet?

Ultimately the fall of Man becomes the fall of that part of ourselves which delves into the mucky and murky depths of an unknown past which of course belies the fact that our existence entirely depends upon our birthright. From whence do we... 23 Jun 2015

Beauty And the Beast

I've been accused of a lot of things during my sojourn and I suppose that I should openly declare that they are all true. Each and every single dotted 'i' and crossed 't'.... 24 Feb 2013

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