Tag: 2012

Connection Problems

How does one establish the understanding that the attention has been dropped-kicked into the suck zone? Can one really take in the perception of there being something wrong in the state of Denmark when we submerse ourselves in that very same... 21 Jan 2012

Finding A Safe Haven

In some circles the search for fame and glory come via the inclusion of the human sacrifice called the end times. While time resetting has been in vogue there appears to be a very different enticement being played out upon the hardened hearts... 18 Jan 2012

Loving That Thing Called 'Me'

Do you love your country? I suppose that in certain parts of the world loving one's country is considered a duty and if not subscribed to then the weight of authority tends to come crashing down upon one's person. There are repercussions... 18 Jan 2012

Surviving The Maelstrom* Called 'Me'

The question is - can it be survived? And the answer is, of course, no.... 09 Jan 2012

Poker At The OK Corral

Creeping in the back alleys along the line of shadow and light gremlins dart to and fro gleefully playing in impish delight. Welcome to the backwater called planet Earth.... 06 Jan 2012

The Force of Change II

All civilizations come and go. There is just no way around this clearly defined and explicit rule of Man and in each incarnation civilization provides for specific nodes of meaning. For each there is a reason - for both group and individual.... 06 Jan 2012

In the Embrace of Man

The days of interlude have come and gone and in this termination we find that the undercurrent of withheld expression is coming to the fore with a force to be reckoned with. It is not a force of consequence nor regret but of a coming to terms... 06 Jan 2012

Coming Face-to-Face With One's Self

Facing one's self is another way of looking in the mirror of Life and Living and coming away with a new respect for what is. All that we see is what we see, no more and no less and when we become enamored with our perspective we glorify... 04 Jan 2012

Killer Klowns: It Came From Outer Space

Last year I suppose I must have been bored at one point in order to produce the "Killer Klowns: It Came From Outer Space" entry. It was fun for a bit and then I left it never to return. I still haven't returned to it but figured maybe someone... 03 Jan 2012

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