Tag: free will

Wandering The Wasteland

Sometimes reality kicks in. As we surf the possibilities of our imagination sooner or later there comes a time where contemplation sets in so as to force the issue at hand. Coming to terms with our own sense of self is as a gargantuan task as... 12 Oct 2022

Engaging Overdrive

As we travel down the road of isolation, past regret and sorrow we tend to pick up steam so as to further our road ahead. As the impetus becomes clear we cement our relationships so as to further our road ahead. It's true, we've all been down... 03 Aug 2022

There Always Comes A Time

Upon the sands of time all comes to be revealed. Sooner or later all those nasty buggers hiding in the closet of our choice comes to be not only revealed, but with an audience gasping at the horror, suddenly and unexpectedly laid bare. Nakedness... 19 Jun 2022

Cracking The Egg

Times passes and in the space of between all becomes not just clear but razor sharp.The world view may appear as one thing or another but in definition the results of our past becomes not just known, but clearly represented and... 09 Sep 2021

In The Evening of Our Dreams

Some consider the evening to be a special time of day. Especially made for reflection it not only gives us hope for the coming dawn but also for what has been. In tumultuous times it pays to keep things in perspective while other times may be... 11 Mar 2020

Why Live the Illusion When It Is Not Real

One of the things that I have mentioned quite a bit is that no one can be forced to do that which they are unwilling to do. There are those who make it their life's work to break a person so that they become willing. Breaking the... 13 Mar 2012

The Gender Brigade

Let's get physical (in this presupposition). The woman is such an interesting concept both in the flesh and in the mind. Both are, as far as manly things go, way, way out there. Yes, it is true, the woman cannot be understood by it's male... 11 Dec 2011

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