Tag: source

Down The Alley of Opportunity

There is always a 'way out'. There are no closed doors ever. What we may think is not always so. Our perception is driven by our desire and in so 'seeing' all comes into focus. As we create so shall we live. Is there really a god.... 11 Oct 2022

The Canned Laughter of Insanity

As one travels down the highways and byways there comes to be, at very particular places, the offer of scenic captivation and awe. The offer is a good one and many times those who appreciate the scope of this world give a 'whoa!' to the pony... 02 Oct 2013

The Gender Brigade

Let's get physical (in this presupposition). The woman is such an interesting concept both in the flesh and in the mind. Both are, as far as manly things go, way, way out there. Yes, it is true, the woman cannot be understood by it's male... 10 Dec 2011

Thetans Again

The following post, which comes from one of the old Forums here on fza.org, has been a favorite of mine for quite a while now. The reason for this is that this LRH extract is quite clear and straight-forward. If a person is, in any way,... 09 Jan 2008

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