Tag: intelligence

The AI Pipe Dream

The trouble with so-called AI intelligence is that beingness is granted to a still-born object. Yes, rocks can come alive but behind the veil lies the intention. Making something sentient does not mean it is. One can pour one's entire... 20 Dec 2022

Fury At The Thought

In the thought of being alive, death finds us. In the idea of existence our impermanence frightens us. In vastness of experience we find comfort in narrow mindedness. In the perplexing moment of being we take the rest of eternity to 'figure it... 08 May 2020

More Gazing At The Stars

In an interesting look-back, astronomer's gaze upon the universe and wonder at the wonder of it all. Reaching unto the vast expanse meaning comes to be derived. It's no different than what the ensuing episodic muttering is all about.... 22 Jun 2010

The Roar of the Lion

Intelligence, knowledge and wisdom. These three kings bear many gifts, each to their own. Amazingly enough, not many really understand what these three are so here is a bit of an allegory to help explain. Primitive Man necessitated the... 04 Feb 2010

Feeling For Existence

It can be said with certainty that the symphonic movement of pieces upon the Board of Life is in full swing, as it always is. Sometimes when we color our world it becomes quite rosy and then, with a simple twist of the wrist, all changes before... 12 Sep 2007

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