Tag: 2000

Standing On The Edge Of Doom

The past comes alive within us. We search and seek answers to questions which we are barely aware of. What drives us to the edge of mortality, only to extend our reach yet again. Looking within each moment of time, we see Ourselves and we see... 31 May 2000

Seeing Beyond The ThunderDome

We come to a new place, seeking answers to questions that drive us mad. Within us, burns the desire to "know". Believing that knowing is the ultimate form of self-aggrandizement, we align ourselves with those who can impart their "wisdom",... 23 May 2000


The duality of existence requires the perception that another is in control, but that we have a choice in what we do and how we do it. It is then up to the "higher" powers that be, whether that choice is acceptable or not. We pay for our... 23 Apr 2000

The Life We Lead Is Not Our Own

Scurrying through life, where are the ever-lasting rewards which we so desperately seek through the use of the frivolous day-to-day activities we undertake to be of import. Therein lies the turmoil. The importance of activity reveals the... 21 Mar 2000

Walking The Line Of Vengeance

As we walk the line of vengeance, we see ourselves reflected in the opposition with which we encumber ourselves with. Fighting amongst ourselves, the fight spills out into the streets of reality. Sooner or later one must reach the point of no... 20 Mar 2000

In The Order Of Things

Games, debate, discussion, or whatever label is attached to a post requires that we demand a response. More correctly, it would require that a predetermined effect be expected as a result. Otherwise, there would be no communication. Most... 17 Mar 2000

Gates Of Wonder

We stand before the doors of heaven, scratching our heads in bewilderment, wondering how on Earth we managed to pull off such a feat as to get a ticket into seeing the Big Guy. Our life was not perfect. We dabbled in worthless activity drawing... 16 Mar 2000

Boxing Around The Mulberry Bush

Creating an experience 'out of the box' is not for the faint of heart. It requires the braveness and perseverance of a steady mind and a heart which contains more than just a 'love' of fellow man. Perception defines our boundaries within the... 16 Mar 2000

The Identical Nature Of Man

Identities are what make the world go 'round. We demonstrate our current identities each and every day in the hopes that these outward expressions of Ourselves will lead to the sensations which are inversely proportional to the fabricated... 10 Feb 2000

States Of Existence

Awareness is the goal of the seeker, but the question remains, why does the seeker look forward to attaining a state of existence that belies the fact of the existence of the seeker in total disregard to so-called 'states'. States of existence1... 01 Feb 2000

Chicken Little For Grownups

In the children's version of everyones favorite political fable, Chicken Little, struck on the head by a falling acorn, runs off to tell the king, collecting on the way an entourage of other animals. In the end they are lured into a fox's den... 24 Jan 2000

You Are Not Your Body

One of the concepts that is put forth by Mr. Hubbard's Church of Scientology, Inc., is that you are not your body. This idea is important for one to understand if they are to progress spiritually. It also happens to be true. But then this church... 20 Jan 2000

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