Tag: 2000

The Xenu Cult

"We aren't any cult that believes some outrageous nonsense about demons and devils and we aren't any get-rich-quick scheme and might even succeed better if we were." Ability,Issue 83, 1958, The Magazine of Dianetics and Scientology, "New... 04 Jan 2000

The "Fleece of Freedom"

From The Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin, Volume 1, No. 12, June, 1951 "Preventive Dianetics", By Lafayette Ron Hubbard: "Morals are fine. However, morals are not understood by this society today. Dianetics hopes to make them a little better... 04 Jan 2000

The Reality of Dianetics and Scientology: Where Will It Take Us?

Hubbard developed Dianetics as a "science of mind". He further went on to create Scientology as "knowing how to know". In both cases, he never explored any further than the mind and demonstrated that spirituality, in his view, rested purely... 02 Jan 2000

About Chance-llor

This section contains all the postings made by the pseudonym "Chance-llor" to the internet. It was a fun time in expressing a bit of insight... 01 Jan 2000

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