Tag: adventure

Eventually It All Caves

Nothing lasts forever. You could say that our spiritual essence survives all but in illusion we made many, many serious mistakes. We tend to think that we are what we are in complete disregard to our origins. It becomes simply a matter of... 18 Oct 2023

Trampling The Evil Of Distress

Waiting and watching is not a sign of intent but rather of... indifference. Surprisingly hands off requires intervention, at least in this case. There are no avenues of escape so one must ask, what's the point? This isn't about a... 29 Oct 2022

Struggling Through the Soup of Eternity

Lives are won and lost on a dime and yet here we are, living out our hopes and dreams waiting for a savior to nonchalantly pass by and give us the big notice. Yes, we are here! Jumping up and down we excitedly call for grace, and then we... 24 Jun 2022

Emptying The Cupboards of Our Dreams

In dreaming we find that we are. Without substance we take on form and delight in our ever expanding universe and dream of things yet to come. Where would we be without eternity? Gazing upon our virtues we slide the next adventure into the... 04 Nov 2021

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