Tag: Mindfull Wanderings

He Said, She Said: And I Quote

Quoting text and texts can sometimes be beneficial in relation to some specific point being made, but overall it is not something that is much encouraged here. The reason for this is that there is a clear distinction between knowledge and... 29 Aug 2003

Show And Tell

For those that need Rules of the Road, here is a sample of the type of communication that is welcomed on the Forum and in commentaries. Clearly distinguished is the lack of opinionated thoughts, ideas and concepts. Clearly delineated is... 28 Aug 2003

Don't Ever Point

Secrets, especially in the so-called 'spiritually-minded' circles, always seem to eventually find their way to open ground. Just like gossip. Sooner or later, the things that you say and do, whether behind closed doors or not, come to be hung on... 27 Aug 2003

So... What's The Big Deal?

Keeping one's attention fixated along some particular path can be a very noble endeavor, but there is an inherent danger in following any sort of route. The route itself, can become the way. That would be a no-no.... 13 Aug 2003

Enjoy The Show

During my years 'in' the 'freezone', I've seen a number of out-points and some I have myself, encouraged. I don't expect anyone in the 'freezone' to take what I am saying here as even close to reality, but that is not my concern. The... 06 May 2003

Passing Time

There are many ways to pass time. One could wander off the path through the jungle and go 'native', exploring all the back alleys and such. That would be one way. Another way could be to 'explore' one's spirituality, just to see what one could... 05 May 2003

Doing What Is Right

The acknowledgement of the existence of other viewpoints is a worthwhile endeavor. Not only does it validate the thetan who is carrying that viewpoint, but it also validates one's own viewpoints. The existence of viewpoints is undeniable as is... 05 May 2003

But It's Just A *Little* Lie...

Falsehoods, once introduced, have a way of becoming self-generating and self-perpetuating. As a matter of fact, it's a requirement for the job of altering isness. The 'FreeZone' does this quite a bit by encouraging anonymity as well as... 01 May 2003

Falling Out, With Grace

Running with the pack, it moves as if one, and in fact, it is of one mind set. There is a wives tale of safety in numbers, but that was only created to provide a sense of well-being where there is none. There is no safety in numbers. It is one... 28 Apr 2003

Are You Ready Yet?

The Galactic Patrol - What Is It Good For? Space opera makes for wonderful sci-fi stories and events, but in real life it is an entirely different matter. Widening one's scope of awareness sometimes requires various tools and trades. It's just a... 25 Apr 2003

A New Basic Understanding

NOTs, with it's roots in the one who was to wear the Tech Hat for this planet for the time period of 20 - 25 years, is a WRONG ITEM. NOTs, or as now can be called Black Scientology, was created as part of a conspiracy to take LRH 'out of the... 02 Apr 2003

The Sea Org: Points of Declaration

1.The Sea Organization, because of it's inability to prove it's effectiveness, based purely upon the ulterior motives in full demonstration, is hereby declared TREASONOUS. 2.This organization, of now ill-repute, is hereby DISBANDED.... 22 Mar 2003

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