Tag: 2013

Fancy Foot-Working

I would like to address all the 'Galactic Federation' (and all that that entails) fancy foot-working being undertaken by so many these days. ... 31 May 2013

The Wall of Fire

In one particular 'philosophy' there came to exist a thing called The Wall of Fire. This is not about that and never has been. In this universe time and times come and go like the plagues that they are. (If one does indeed need such then of... 31 May 2013

Status Report : 31 May 2013

The choice of choosing the garden path or the warrior's creed is in high gear. The reverberations of that choice continue to ripple through at it's mid to end point. Facing the music, strings are pulled and the puppets dance. Scorched Earth is... 31 May 2013

Walking Along The Bayou

Wading and wondering, I see. Upon the waters of life and living lie the remains of those best forgotten to the sands of a long time since past. History does repeat itself but in that respect so too does time. In this cycle, though we find... 29 May 2013

The Thought-fullness of Thinking

This is being written in the format of a gentle introduction. "I think, therefore I am."... 02 May 2013

Perceptive Alteration

In seeing a sight for sore eyes can one recognize that the sight being so seen is purposefully altered in order to have it come into alignment with one's own perception? Through intent life happens - it just doesn't happen by it's self.... 18 Apr 2013

Watching The Watchers Watching

Civilizations come and go and in time as another thought bubble makes it's rise, the entire process repeats itself ever onward. So the question must be asked: what is it's purpose? From what definitive circumstance do beings come together in... 18 Apr 2013

Recent Communication

When the night comes all life descends into a darkness that seems to last forever but in reality the darkness is but movement upon the sands of time and like the hourglass which holds the sand in it's embrace, purpose and plan can mean just... 10 Apr 2013

Perceptive Repose

I am going to try to make this as short and to the point as possible. Through the gentle breeze of unbounded awareness perception remains ever vigilant.... 15 Mar 2013

Beauty And the Beast

I've been accused of a lot of things during my sojourn and I suppose that I should openly declare that they are all true. Each and every single dotted 'i' and crossed 't'.... 25 Feb 2013

Aiming Point Blank

Lately there have been a few interesting developments becoming apparent and so I would like to relay the follow: The aims of Psychological Warfare:... 13 Feb 2013

Continuing The Matter

This comes on the heels of my last post. Times are certainly changing, are they not? Personally it looks like I've performed a perfect 180 in the parking lot instead of going, coming instead and instead of coming hither I've gone yonder. Yeah, I... 09 Feb 2013

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