Tag: natives
Climbing Stairs To Perpetuity
Ever seeking, we tend to train our minds to always look exterior to our selves, to always focus it's attention and drive in acquiring solutions to our problems from our environment. Once this ingrained thought becomes second nature we no longer... 13 Dec 2006
Freedom From Being 'Cleared'
The 'FreeZone', like many individuals who have 'freedom' on this planet, survive and gather their so-called strength from controversy. Without it, they are doomed to die a quick death. Without something to keep their attention and emotions on,... 14 Apr 2004
FZA.ORG: The State of Case, A Personal Report
As a few of you have noticed, the main page at fza.org has taken on a "new" look. I hope that you have been enjoying this change and have taken a moment to reflect upon the current state of clearing in all of it's physical and/or "theta" facets.... 27 Apr 1999