Tag: natives

Where Are We Going, Dave?

From "What are you doing?" to "Where are you going?", time has a way of flying us all along the path of no return. The answer to where we are going is simple, but in complexity is where the real mystery lies. Indeed, if it is not complex, surely... 22 Dec 2003

HK : Show and Tell

Particles = pictures. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Maybe thats why there are so many damn pictures floating about. Observing these haphazardly strewn about, is it any wonder that "thetans" will begin "tuning" them out?... 01 Jun 2001

The "Fleece of Freedom"

From The Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin, Volume 1, No. 12, June, 1951 "Preventive Dianetics", By Lafayette Ron Hubbard: "Morals are fine. However, morals are not understood by this society today. Dianetics hopes to make them a little better... 04 Jan 2000


Watching for it's own purposes leads the blind into alleys of darkness that few survive. Many times, it is safer to take action than to observe, but observation does have it's merits. It can lead one to realign existence based upon what has... 26 Dec 1999

FZA.ORG: The State of Case, A Personal Report

As a few of you have noticed, the main page at fza.org has taken on a "new" look. I hope that you have been enjoying this change and have taken a moment to reflect upon the current state of clearing in all of it's physical and/or "theta" facets.... 27 Apr 1999

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