Tag: serious

Barnyard Antics

It may seem that I've turned into a cluck, cluck, clucking barnyard hen with all the postings about me, me and me but it is not true. There is a point to the methodology. So if you come to the conclusion that I am full of myself, you would be... 01 Feb 2016

Between Lives; There Is No Such Thing

As we are ever between lives it cannot exist separate and apart from ourselves. Imagining a world where the collection of souls is nothing but a job promotion is one which obviously creates nothing but a pain-full route to rebirth - again. If... 16 Nov 2005

Turning A Blind Eye

Keeping one's eye on the prize requires that we pay no attention at all to those who wish to hinder us in our efforts. There are always a few who seek destruction and attach themselves to others in order to carry out their dirty work but that... 13 May 2005

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