Tag: expression

Kind Of Boring

In escaping we run, trying ever so hard to not look back. Forward is the momentum and full steam ahead is the order of the day. As we gaze upon the horizon we lose our self respect. There is no horizon and yet the dream continues. Delving... 06 Dec 2023

There Is No Time Like The Present

I don't believe in time. All things happen, that's it. I know that can be a hard pill to swallow but none-the-less, there it is. Getting caught up in a world of 'reality' is quite time consuming. There is always something to do,... 20 Dec 2022

Seditional Insurrection

Lately it seems that a few updates are in order. In that atmospheric environment the following play-book may be relevant. contact via mental, physical constructs contact via mental, physical constructs fear establishment degenerate... 25 Jun 2013

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