Tag: scales of justice

Observing The Obvious

Sitting back and observing the obvious from an unattached perspective is called, in some circles, obnosis. One cannot detach from illusion unless one recognizes that there is an illusion in the first place. This is part of _observing the... 09 Sep 2010

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

This section of the Universe is a bit out of the way much like a backwoods outpost stuck in the middle of no-where serving no other useful purpose than of being there, of having or establishing a presence. It's like making one's self known and... 04 Sep 2008

The Snap-Back Effect

Effects become the determining cause for our future actions. As silly as that sounds most of the humanoids who walk the Earth whether embodied or not take action to be predicated upon outside causes - or in other words, effects which they find... 04 Sep 2008

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