Tag: scared

I Am Scared

It's true. You might not believe this but I am terrified of being exactly what I am. I'm not talking about the usual crap about trying to be one thing or another - all in the face of being what one really is. I'm talking about being... 25 Jun 2018

Scared Stiff

It's true. I am scared right to the bone, through and through. I tremble at the drop of a hat and my knees can barely hold me up. I live on a knife edge ready to fall to my doom and gloom at a moment's notice. Living in a deep, dark closet gives... 09 Oct 2013

Running Scared

As we pursue our interest and interests in seeking, our attention comes to be fixed on an idea which we truly delight in expressing. Such joy do we find in this expression that we want to ensure that all are able to participate. Unfortunately,... 29 Mar 2007

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