Tag: piece

Field of Play

Enslaver:1.make (someone) a slave.2.cause (someone) to lose their freedom of choice or action. This is such an interesting term that is thrown about typically by those who are part and parcel of it, either on one side of the fence or the... 21 Mar 2012

The Winners And The Losers

For many a spiritual interest takes the form of Scientology. It's logical and clear constructs promote an easy to understand route to well being. It works and so a beginning is made into the vast unknown reaches of our own nature. But it doesn't... 28 Jan 2008

Where Have All The Players Gone?

Game-play is a wondrous analogy of occurrence and demarcation in a universe built for change. All change occurs because that is it's nature. Any idea that one may possess, perhaps even to fervently hold onto, will eventually morph into something... 03 Jan 2008

In The Field Of Play I Am But A Piece

We all have our playing fields in which to do our deeds. From winning to losing the process begins, endures and finally comes to an end. In this life cycle of re-cycle we come to embrace our just rewards - experience! On our board of strategy we... 03 Dec 2007

Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush

As the children's song goes, the falling is the best part. Noticing those who gather at the various watering holes reveals the "coincidence" of chance and in it's demonstration reveals the obvious - fresh meat is good for the grinder. Singing of... 27 Nov 2007

Feeling For Existence

It can be said with certainty that the symphonic movement of pieces upon the Board of Life is in full swing, as it always is. Sometimes when we color our world it becomes quite rosy and then, with a simple twist of the wrist, all changes before... 12 Sep 2007

Consuming Consumption

Man, by it's inherent nature, embodies the urge to consume the universe, to consume every last particle and thereby to embody something much 'greater' than itself. Man's playground is the physical universe and in this sandbox life, living and... 16 Nov 2005

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