Tag: 2003

Passing Time

There are many ways to pass time. One could wander off the path through the jungle and go 'native', exploring all the back alleys and such. That would be one way. Another way could be to 'explore' one's spirituality, just to see what one could... 05 May 2003

Doing What Is Right

The acknowledgement of the existence of other viewpoints is a worthwhile endeavor. Not only does it validate the thetan who is carrying that viewpoint, but it also validates one's own viewpoints. The existence of viewpoints is undeniable as is... 05 May 2003

But It's Just A *Little* Lie...

Falsehoods, once introduced, have a way of becoming self-generating and self-perpetuating. As a matter of fact, it's a requirement for the job of altering isness. The 'FreeZone' does this quite a bit by encouraging anonymity as well as... 01 May 2003

In His Own Words : Ralph Hilton

http&11 Jan 2003Title: "Channelling" Ralph Hilton wrote:...If men want to have sex with men that's ok with me.I do have a revulsion for homosexual men who are too clueless to realize that I have no sexual interest in them.... 30 Apr 2003

Signing One's Death Warrant

Earthly organizations come and go in tune to the civilizations to which they are bound. Each stepping to it's own beat of the drum, both eventually succumb as is the nature of planetary existence. Imagine the first time that a planetary... 28 Apr 2003

Falling Out, With Grace

Running with the pack, it moves as if one, and in fact, it is of one mind set. There is a wives tale of safety in numbers, but that was only created to provide a sense of well-being where there is none. There is no safety in numbers. It is one... 28 Apr 2003

Are You Ready Yet?

The Galactic Patrol - What Is It Good For? Space opera makes for wonderful sci-fi stories and events, but in real life it is an entirely different matter. Widening one's scope of awareness sometimes requires various tools and trades. It's just a... 25 Apr 2003

I Am Not That I Am

Encircling ourselves with the fluff of life, looking out we see hazy shadows moving to and fro with purpose and intent. Moving, we stumble and fall over obstacles better left unseen. Stepping aside, we bump into others who also stumble and fall... 23 Apr 2003

The 'FreeZone' Roller Coaster Ride

After a tumultuous roller coaster ride through history, what else can a collection of 'spiritual teammates' do, but to foment a desire to just get off and take a rest. Well, the rest is here.... 18 Apr 2003

Chancing The Fire

Closely. How closely can we get to the flame without becoming consumed? It can be a very fine line that we walk and sometimes, causalities litter the alleyways. In the process of exposing ourselves to the light, inevitability sets in. It is... 10 Apr 2003

Out Of The Maelstrom

Out of the maelstrom comes the cleansing and from that cleansing life arises once again, renewed and full of vigor. There is only one way to go. Taking the longer road, one endures. Reaching for the stars above, requires but the shortest road... 03 Apr 2003

Remembering Times Past

The bottom line is that there is no such thing as 'remembering'. When one removes the cloak of night, there is no remembering, there is only what IS. There is nothing else. Along the way of our travels, we tend to pick up 'things' here and... 02 Apr 2003

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