Tag: suppression

Delivering A Blow To The Enemy

In some circles, this is a favored way of gaining favor. Of going out and doing a destructive deed so as to benefit some particular group or organization. This is ludicrous.... 13 Apr 2004

Freedom From Being 'Cleared'

The 'FreeZone', like many individuals who have 'freedom' on this planet, survive and gather their so-called strength from controversy. Without it, they are doomed to die a quick death. Without something to keep their attention and emotions on,... 20 Jan 2004

The Free Zone Skirmish

I've heard that there is a 'skirmish' going on in the 'Free Zone'. I wonder what brought that about? I also wonder who are the 'do-gooders' that are plastering their cases all over the Internet in the hopes that their cases will be resolved.... 11 Nov 2001

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