Tag: wheel of life

A Statement Of Historical Precedent

History is nothing but 'look back' time and is actually quite unhelp-full in helping us to define each and every moment, or in other words, in knowing exactly who or what we really are. Despite all that, I would like to openly state the... 08 Apr 2005

Aliens And The Coming New World Order

The title is a bit of a misnomer as there will be no New World order. Despite various alien influences and local combative hegemony, there is much work to be done in order to bring to fruition the best laid plans of those who perpetuate... 20 Aug 2004

You Can Stop Now

Thoughts in the stream of time always seem to end up getting lost, waylaid, forgotten, misplaced and perhaps even 'hidden'. As tools of our own destruction we take pride in keeping it all exactly where it should be - every where. In every nook... 24 Jun 2004

Wheel Of Life

I am the pliable self. Whatever you wish for me to be, I will become that. I blend in easily and become a part of the landscape with no conscious effort. Each individual sees me as they wish to see me. I am what I should be, no more and no less.... 02 Oct 2001

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