Tag: doing

Love It Or Leave It

"Gathering Minds" refers to the idea or concept of bringing together interested minds in a common purpose. This is, in fact, a low order of purpose simply because the reference to "mind" is way down on the totem pole, pretty darn close to the... 08 Jan 2007

Oh, Nothing

I have nothing to do. On the days that I have nothing to do, I will do almost anything than to sit down and do nothing. Nothing is not a very comfortable word in which to settle into. It is also a word that should not even be in the dictionary.... 23 Aug 2001

Awaiting Your Arrival

It could be looked upon that in the entirety of existence there is the one and only path of true knowledge. All others would then be viewed as being subservient and therefore frivolous. Is there one and only one way to achieve spiritual freedom?... 28 Jun 2001

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