Tag: effort


Efforting to give life to our imagery, there can be no existence otherwise. Striving to 'forget', our imagination runs wild with concepts and ideas and we thereby become the servant of the those very same efforts. How convoluted must we become... 14 Mar 2001

Are You Having A Good Day?

"Who Am I?" Ask the question and determine the response received. If the echo comes as "Me" or "I", then the response mechanism being employed is none other than the imagination of the mind. Stillness of a response indicates something else. That... 12 Feb 2001

Points Of Power

There is the quietness of emptiness, a peacefullness that creates a tranquility of no-effort. Within that effortless embodiment, nothing moves, nothing rejoices, no demands are given or received. There is no bliss, there is no pain. All that... 18 Oct 2000

Enslaving Ourselves To Freedom

Freedom exists for the benefit of those who have become enslaved by their own wishes. "Ask and ye shall receive." is a timeless axiomatic way of Life. Enslavement partakes of entrapment in terms of definition and purpose. There is no where to... 21 Sep 2000

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