Tag: to be

Finding The Door

Looking lost, we ever search in order that we may find and in the process we merely lose ourselves yet again. Always on the look-out for something more, our attention continuously wavers day in and day out until, at long last, we pay it no mind... 28 Feb 2007

Turning Back The Tide

Gazing outward, we take in all that we create making it our own. Feeling our effects, we take great pride in being in and of the world. Experiencing all that there is to experience, we find solace in ourselves. Peacefully dreaming, we wish not... 17 Aug 2005

We've Never Left Home

There is a joy in the living of life. There is a moment of unrequited love where life becomes accepted as it is for what it is. What finer moment could be endured or celebrated than this? Going beyond our day-to-day mortality, there can be only... 21 Nov 2001

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