Tag: research

Getting Caught In Our Own Web

The levels of Scientology can seemingly go on forever. Who, in their right mind, would ever desire such a thing? There are those who say that the Bridge is incomplete, that more 'research' needs to be done, that the Bridge is only a starting... 15 Apr 2005

Forum: Deception And Control

It's been made clear that this site deals in directness. This also means that endless reasons, explanations, justifications and "why's" mean diddly-squat. If one cannot or will not use one's ability to peek behind the veil then of course,... 08 Apr 2005

Researching The Unfathomability Of Existence

The road is clear, existence is an outgrowth of eternity and goes on forever. It never ends in the same way that theta never ends, even though this is quantifying something that is unlimited. Within that limitation experience desires to express... 01 Sep 2000

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