Tag: children

Fixation, The Foundation of Dreams

Living, we tend to embrace what is on the menu but as we suspect, there is much more than what we have been read into. Our embrace of attentive creation knows no bounds, at least that is what we continuously remind ourselves with as we wrap... 26 Jul 2022

Let My People Go

Sometimes I feel like Charlton Heston when he udders that memorial line: "Let my people go."... 27 Mar 2018

I'm Trying But I Just Can't Do It

The world beckons with outrageous tentacles writhing this way and that as a heat-seeking missile looking to meet up with it's target. Once joined as one, another victim can be added to the ever-growing list. Record keeping has got to be a bear. 31 Oct 2017

The Games People Play

Children love to play games. Beyond the veil of ignorance there are no children because there is no growing up to do. All of that has been left far, far behind.... 16 Feb 2017

Sweet Dreams

The weather is fine and dandy, the food pleasant and filling, the company agreeable. Everything is quite balanced and harmonic. Nothing to see here, move along. Some things never change and in appearance the embrace of stupidity is held out as a... 13 May 2014

Barbie and Ken

This planet loves playing Barbie dolls. It's all the rage to 'pretend' that one's self is some sort of a sockpuppet, to be used and abused to no end. How quaint. In that respect, finding those who have grown up becomes a special event. Not... 15 Aug 2013

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