Tag: 2001

Reflections of A Divine Nature

I am the way, the thought, the deed of all action and reaction. What exists is that embellishment called 'I'. Movement upon the surface of Life creates the depth and breath of the universe at large. Micro and macro cosmic endeavors exist purely... 21 Mar 2001

Loving The World

The race is on to become free from the clutches of humanity with the ultimate prize going to those who are able to duplicate the efforts of those who have gone before. This ultimate prize of being one with the Self is nebulous and contradictory,... 21 Mar 2001

You Are The Answer

The hope, the dream, the bittersweet memories of our long good-byes. can the soul of our efforts be so very far behind? With emptiness we greet each new day and yet long for the cup which overflows with desire unbounded. Reaching and grasping we... 16 Mar 2001


Efforting to give life to our imagery, there can be no existence otherwise. Striving to 'forget', our imagination runs wild with concepts and ideas and we thereby become the servant of the those very same efforts. How convoluted must we become... 14 Mar 2001

Holding On For Dear Life

Life, as we know it, is purposeful activity. It is productive, enriching and fulfilling on some deep down level. We gain experiences with which we share among others of like mind. We find that without Life to fulfill us, existence becomes... 13 Mar 2001

Growing Up Can Be Hard To Do

No where can there be seen the image of oneself. We are not the things we perceive, at least this is the conceptual understanding we strive for. Wishing does make it so, and so we constantly wish that our dreams will become fulfilled and thereby... 13 Mar 2001

The Mirage of Dreaming

The time of now, the play of now, all encompass the compassion of Eternity awaiting it's final stroke of finality. The end is near, do you feel the passage of time washing through you in it's effort of awakening the sleeping giant? Slumbering in... 13 Mar 2001

Are You Still Having Fun?

Out of the Breath of Life we see Ourselves so very clearly. Demonstrated, we become what we see and envision the future we suddenly find ourselves immersed within. Grasping, our bewilderment show itself in the incapacity to understand our... 06 Mar 2001

I Am, Said The Duck

Said the duck to the shore,"I shall swim and swimand be upon you beforeyou know it." Shore responds to duck,"Swim with all thy mightand the banks of lovewill surely embracethy presence."... 02 Mar 2001

Rejoicing In The Death Of You

Lost in a world where Man rules, where is the exit so easily hidden from our perceptive embraces? Lonely and wondering amidst the embers of a dying flame we search and seek the hand of just righteousness declaring in wonder the beauty of... 26 Feb 2001

Discoveries, Where Would We Be Without Them?

There is always something to discover. A new process, a new idea, some inner realization about some minute aspect of Ourselves. Always, there is something in which we busy ourselves, searching, revealing and then searching again. The Wheel of... 19 Feb 2001

Are You Having A Good Day?

"Who Am I?" Ask the question and determine the response received. If the echo comes as "Me" or "I", then the response mechanism being employed is none other than the imagination of the mind. Stillness of a response indicates something else. That... 12 Feb 2001

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