Tag: story

Racing To The Moon

We are all one. There is no God. On and on go the ways and means of those who wish to impart their version of wisdom upon our souls. In following, we can escape. It's all lunacy of course but there is nothing like a good story which captivates... 22 Mar 2024


Time in it's ever-lasting form marches to a different beat. It must be a different beat because if there was an understanding of it there wouldn't be so many problems that get handed on a silver platter. The worst part is serving hot dogs in a... 05 May 2020

A Good Story By The Fireplace

I've been listening to a few audio interviews on youtube about personal experiences that deal with an individual's action and reaction with the known universe, off the beaten path of course. I always enjoy a good story, television just can't... 06 Apr 2016

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