Tag: purpose

Capitalistic Spiritualism AKA The Grind

Capitalism is alive and well, thanks for asking. It has survived many onslaughts of opposition where the givers battle the takers. In the balance there is no balance as right and wrong become enmeshed in ideology. Personally I dislike, to a... 04 Feb 2024

Watch The Speed Bumps

In the interest of science I have decided to leave my body to rot out in the wilderness so as to demonstrate that all life comes full circle. There is no way but in reality this game we call'life' is anything but. In wondering who we are... 11 Nov 2023

Captured And Enveloped With A Sense Of Purpose

Isn't living life with purpose such a pleasant and rewarding experience. Think of it, to come out the other side with pride is something noteworthy enough to provide us with a sense of purpose and plan. How could we not. All eyes are upon us.... 30 Oct 2022

Walking In The Shadows

It's true, I do keep a low profile. It's not about relegating an ego to the waste bin nor is it about standing firm against the tides of good and evil. All things in this universe ebb and flow as nature intends. There isn't anything we can... 04 Jan 2022

Every Single Thing

In trespassing we find purpose, sometimes especially when we least expect it. Our point of view carries us forward and then after a while we find out that it actually pushes us forward, many times to our detriment. In the pits of hell we do... 14 Feb 2021

Listen To Your Heart

In proclamation we seek justice and in the time of our own shadow we yearn for, wait for it, truth. Of course when our perception takes form so do we and in our expression the definition becomes clear though meaningless. What are we to make of... 28 Oct 2020

Sidelined With Meaning

How do you help someone who does not wish to be helped. How do you provide an alternative view to someone who willfully sees no other. How can understanding create turmoil as a way for awareness to take note. What is the purpose of entertainment... 09 May 2020

The Purpose, and The Pain

Sacred Cow Forum: Reflections: The Purpose, and The PainBy Paul Misiunas on Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 07:17 pm:The Purpose, and The Pain What a strange title. It seems appropriate for these strange times, but that is another story. The... 28 Oct 2019

The Blurring Of The Eyes

The lines between the various sections of this website are becoming quite blurred meaning that the separation imposed is not living up to it's standards. Perhaps another website change is in order but that would depend upon a number of other... 11 Jan 2011

Fishing At The Edge Of Time

Coming to the water's edge we bait the hook to see what will come our way today. Eagerly awaiting the purpose of life we sit for a spell and gaze into the far reaches of our imagination, seeking and yearning for the thing which exists just out... 22 Jun 2010

On Post And On Target

A reminder: When responding to a post please be sure that your reply is on topic and related to the discussion. If, after reading a post, other ideas and concepts come to mind and you wish to express them, then please do so in a new topic of... 19 Aug 2005

Life's Purpose

We are all born and we all die. This is true in both a physical sense and in a characteristic fashion. If one know's that our current life is nothing but a continuation of our previous ones then it can be surmised that each and every life has a... 15 Apr 2005

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