Tag: movement
Dropping The Anchor
As life passes by we all find our way, all the way to the very end. And then as the chapter closes and the records of old turn the page for but another round of fisticuffs to take place the tendency is to not only relish the future but take... 05 Dec 2024
The Thought of Waking Up
A dream is a dream is a dream. No matter the time and effort poured into creating a reality within which one desires to immerse themselves within there still lies the problem of consequence. Nothing 'happens' in a vacuum and unfortunately... 21 Jun 2023
Expanding The Ever-Present Presence
All about us we live. As we reflect upon the reflection we sometimes see that which we present. Filtering the sight becomes us.... 06 Feb 2023
In The Tide of Our Dreams
Life ebbs and flows, there is no way around it. Seemingly we find our selves steadfast in our purpose and dreams and in so living up to the same we relish with delight the fallout of such. Movement requires action and in such expression all... 08 Sep 2022
Condensing It All Into... This
There is no such thing as 'life'. Our so-called 'perception' is but a tiny, tiny glimpse into a knowledge that escapes or again, so-called understanding' pf what is and is not. As we move from place to place we see that our environment... 31 Jan 2022
Cracking The Egg
Times passes and in the space of between all becomes not just clear but razor sharp.The world view may appear as one thing or another but in definition the results of our past becomes not just known, but clearly represented and... 09 Sep 2021
Are We There yet?
Ultimately the fall of Man becomes the fall of that part of ourselves which delves into the mucky and murky depths of an unknown past which of course belies the fact that our existence entirely depends upon our birthright. From whence do we... 16 Feb 2020
Keeping The Nose Clean
There are some things which are not of my concern. It's not because of dis-interest it's more of recognizing that whatever the specific topic is, is not something with which I should be involved with. There are some things which I do take... 04 Sep 2013
Sometimes the broom comes out and things get swept from here to there. In the motion all sorts of other things also become lodged, dislodged and shuffled about. Like a dusty floor one can watch the fine particles float hither and... 21 Aug 2013
Motionless Movement
In effort we lose grace. Just a few words to the wise.... 19 Aug 2013
Break Dancing (Part II)
For those who have embarked upon the journey of being the last one out in order to turn off the lights, the desire for job satisfaction runs through the roof. Not to be the one who turns off the lights but to be the one who carries forward... 16 Feb 2012
Connection Problems
How does one establish the understanding that the attention has been dropped-kicked into the suck zone? Can one really take in the perception of there being something wrong in the state of Denmark when we submerse ourselves in that very same... 21 Jan 2012