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The Dane Tops Debrief

A major sit ((situation, furthest departure from an ideal scene)) --possibly a major WHY for the sits in Scientology--is CUT COMM. If comm lines were open and all data could be traced down, an as-is-ness WOULD occur. Instead, comm is stopped or severely regulated. Unacceptable comm is met with instant sec checks or other investigation. Antagonism which stems from BPC (see Auditors Rights HCOB) is being misidentified as natter. Comm lines are cut. There is widespread fear of open comm. Freedom of speech does not exist in Scientology even though it is the Creed of the Church. If comm lines were REALLY open, as-is- ness WOULD result. In other words we have the power to handle all our problems if all the warring factions WENT INTO COMM and got the data on the lines and got it duplicated.

Ron says the major way a group is destroyed is by cut comm lines and destruction of ARC amongst members. Please read "Essay on Management" Tech Vol I. It points out just exactly what is happening step by step to the Church and what will happen if it continues.

At events we are constantly told we are growing in numbers. This is not true. The numbers of missions has decreased to almost but not more than half. In LA there are 48,000 inactive Scientologists and 3,000 active. This is the figure of the Financial Police.

A word about MW/H ((Missed Withholds)). The manner in which this tech is being used is CREATING MW/Hs, natter, and upset. An undisclosed contrasurvival act is only ONE definition of a MW/H. Look up "session" MW/H and listen to the tape. Listen to the tape also on the MW/H of nothing. The tape on session MW/H explains that if comm is not allowed or duplicated, an inadvertent MW/H develops. The MW/H of nothing tape explains how much MORE charge there is on a person who is told he has W/Hs when he doesn't.

Also the MW/H has been repeatedly indicated to the public as their charge. If this were true, i.e. the correct BPC, the indication would make the person better--not worse and more upset. Scientologists are HAPPY to tell their withholds when it is a necessary case action and standard tech is used in getting them. HAPPY is not the look on the faces of the audience who are told of the grievousness of their crimes, and the crimes of their declared friends. Announcing to groups that they are guilty is not a part of Scientology. Have we given up the standard tech? SCIENTOLOGY recognizes first and foremost the BASIC GOODNESS of all beings and by doing so, a practicing Scientologist brings those around him into that goodness. A person who addresses another as an entheta person is bound to get just that back, for that is what will be keyed in by his VIEW of you.

None of the various factions are duplicating the other sides and being a terminal ((terminal = someone you can talk to)). If the entheta were duplicated and acked, it would dissipate. Of course this letter will cause some restim; the data is not always pleasant. But is that a reason to back away? Instead, GO INTO COMM and don't stop until as-is-ness occurs. Be a good terminal and find good terminals. Be a producer of the most essential tool and result of all Scientology--that of duplication and as-is-ness. Communication and live postulates change MEST ((Matter, Energy, Space and Time)) and YOU CAN change MEST right now by doing that. Refuse to have your comm cut. Don't desert from fear when you KNOW friends have been mis-declared. On the other hand, do not communicate in order to restimulate as that is not communication. Communicate to those capable of duplication and be a terminal to those who are not able to duplicate. Don't buy that you can't perceive a misdeclare. YOU CAN! Do not riot or make anyone wrong for the things you have learned about, including David Miscavige, the RTC, I HELP or the Financial Police. Make wrong does NOT produce as-is-ness. If someone is making you wrong, duplicate it and ack it while staying in ARC. If you are confronting someone who has committed overts, duplicate that, and stay in ARC. Communicate your charge to someone CAPABLE of duplication YOU; don't just blow it in the face of someone who is on a ridge. Keep communicating. Everything in this letter may not be perfect and I welcome corrections of data. But is is MY comm and you have the RIGHT to yours. Increased and continued comm by everyone ferrets out the incorrect data and only communication does it. Demand communication and receive it. Realize there is a WHO above it all that others are PTS to and that you may also be PTS too. Grant beingness to it all. Those on heavy ridges and make-wrongs need MORE duplication to get off their ridge than you do.

The C of S has been unmocked by (1) removing the key persons in the orgs and field, (2) by instilling the idea in each faction that the other faction is at fault, (3) BY STANDING BACK AND LETTING THE MEMBERS DESTROY EACH OTHER.

The protection of whoever is running our Church is INVISIBILITY. WHO wrote and failed to sign their name to the original drafts of the Information Letters put out by the RTC? Who sanctioned that person? Who is responsible for such utterly non-LRH viewpoints? The threat of losing our own bridge makes us NUMB so we NOT-IS what is happening around us. We cut comm lines with our declared friends so that WE won't be declared. We don't speak up so that we won't be dealt a similar injustice. Do you know Trey Lotz for example? Does anyone who knows him honestly believe he is a two-percenter ((SP's are 2 percent of the population)), needing expellation? How about David Mayo, handpicked and trained personally by LRH for the senior tech post on the planet? Did Ron pick a two-percenter for this post? Have all the Flag results until last year thus been delivered to us by a Suppressive Person? There are hundreds of hundreds of equally inaccurate declares. How many of you know in your heart that the only reason you don't speak up is you are frightened about your own bridge being taken away if you say what you think in full? FEAR is running you.

Your leaders have been removed. Your staff and fields have been unmocked. There are many groups springing up delivering the bridge standardly from bottom to top. The reason splinters were not a problem before was there was an INTENTION to stay in one group--it was never because of threats, force and lawsuits. That intention is being killed and only that intention would keep us together. Threats have only CREATED splinter groups.

If you did a good enough job reforming your Church, everyone would come back gladly, more persons than could possibly be imagined. You can write to me if you wish. I cannot be traced and the legal setup is there to report anyone tampering with your mail to the federal authorities. But send a stamped envelope. Staff wages are low.

You on staff, you in management, you in the public, the field, the missions, you who are mis-declared and assigned incorrect conditions, and you in splinter groups ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN ON THE SAME TEAM. Someone ELSE has caused this, NOT YOURSELVES.

We have the power to as-is. We have THETA can this can produce as-is-ness and truth where we direct our attention. Don't expect Ron to save us. The SO 1 ((write to Ron)) live does not exist. For over ten years teams of person have been answering your mail to Ron. The "signature" is a rubber stamp. He is not running the Church of Scientology. He is not running to our rescue any longer. It is in OUR hands. LOOK! COMMUNICATE! Find out WHO is running the Church of SCientology. What is the name of the person responsible? Find out WHY we periodically destroy ourselves. It used to be blamed on the GO. Now Mary Sue is in jail, and the mistakes are blamed on the RTC or the FP.

But WHY have we done these things to ourselves? And Who?

Use the tech.

USE COMMUNICATION TECH! Take CARE of yourselves. I love you.


Your friend,
a Scientologist

Dane Tops

  1. This article was posted to the newsgroups and alt.religion.scientology using the identity 'Public Relations'. See About Scienotology Public Relations for more information. 

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