Tag: blog

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

The hour of benign disinterest has suddenly turned into something far afield. Let me know when it hurts.... 28 Aug 2013

Fancy Footworking

What is time but a thin silver thread on which to hang one's hat. From here to there and back again makes no mind and it takes no time at the end of which someone just happens to turn out the light. Perhaps the question becomes that when this... 27 Aug 2013

I Is Here

Here I am. Always have been and until otherwise, always will be.... 23 Aug 2013

The Gift of Life (Part II)

Life presents itself for our enjoyment. It's not my fault that the typical road chosen, not just here but in many other places as well, is filled with bumps and bruises.... 23 Aug 2013

Acceptable Degeneration

This is an observation: I have a bit of a background in software design and maintenance in both small and large environments. In the old days having a software 'bug' being pointed out was attributed to either a failure in user analysis or in... 22 Aug 2013

Class of Beings

Here is an observation: I treat others as an equal.It doesn't mean that I am.... 21 Aug 2013


Sometimes the broom comes out and things get swept from here to there. In the motion all sorts of other things also become lodged, dislodged and shuffled about. Like a dusty floor one can watch the fine particles float hither and... 21 Aug 2013

Motionless Movement

In effort we lose grace. Just a few words to the wise.... 18 Aug 2013

Why I Wear A Burka

A Muslim women's wardrobe? No, I'm not talking about that here. Behind the veil lies the one who perceives and yet is not in perception. It's like a one-way mirror and since a mirror is ill-suited to fashion dress a burka will do.... 15 Aug 2013

In The Fields of Play

Sometimes the field must lie fallow in order to ensure, as well as can be expected, a more plentiful future crop. In this field there can sometimes be what is called 'voluntary' offsprings. It is what comes about from prior plantings or... 15 Aug 2013

Barbie and Ken

This planet loves playing Barbie dolls. It's all the rage to 'pretend' that one's self is some sort of a sockpuppet, to be used and abused to no end. How quaint. In that respect, finding those who have grown up becomes a special event. Not... 15 Aug 2013

Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The only piece which can be found is the missing link and despite even that being iffy, the totality can only come about through devastation, destruction and general mayhem. Do you see the twisted logic behind that? But in the mind's eye there... 13 Aug 2013

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